Well, well, well

Alright fellow readers of this wonderful blog. I just have one thing to say.
Are you really there?
Is there really anyone out there keeping up with my blog posts, poems, or the brand new first chapter of my original story?...
Now, I know I should be highly thankful for all of you, even though I dont really know how many of you there are. But, I only have one concern. And it is regarding my story.
Either none of you have realized that I actually posted a story, you have no time to read it, or it sucks.
So Im sure you can all figure out that the latter option would be the one Im worried about.
So if any of you have read my story or even if you havent. Please read it and leave me comments about what you think of it.

Alright well thats enough of me pleading for all of you to read my things. I will now go on to tell you about how awesome I have been feeling lately.
So there's this guy at work and he's super funny, cute, cheesy, nerdy, and nice. He's totally not my usual type but Im really into him. I've been flirting it up and I got his number today so we've been texting a lot. Well yeah, I dont really know what else I have to say other than that Im really happy at work and have a lot of fun. And that this guy is really amazing and funny and oh so smart. Gosh Im so crazy right now. Haha he's so childish too, it makes me laugh.
July 25th, 2012 at 12:47am