I hate not knowing!

Okay well I have been single for a while now and I don't mind it, but I really like this guy named Josh. He is sweet, nice, caring, funny, strong, smart, and all around awesome. Everyone, even my ex says he likes me. He always smiles around me and I am like the only girl he talks to. He gets scared of preppy popular girls, especially if they like him. He is the shy type if you couldn't tell. I really like him. I don't like him just because he is strong and has muscles, I like his personality more than anything. He seems to be nervous around me and he doesn't like other guys hugging me or talking to me. He has gotten better and will now start conversations with me, on occasion. I don't know if he likes me though. Everything that everyone says I don't really see or I wasn't there for, and when ever I see a sign that he might like me I start to doubt it. Like today for example. I saw him and he said Hi. His friend made a comment on me. I didn't hear it but it had something to do with me and he smiled and blushed slightly. I don't actually know if he blushed much I mean it seemed like he did and he looked at me when his friend made the comment. He seemed a little mad or disappointed when I hugged this guy that I knew that likes me. When the other guy left josh looked at me and I moved closer then he walked away but not far, just over to his friends and I got into their conversation, well i tried anyways. And then he didn't talk to me much but he kept looking at me. I really don't know if he likes me but I really like him. He got happy when he heard that i was single, and he always told my ex when we were together that I was hot or cute. He also told my friend he liked me, or at least that's what she says but I don't know if shes lying. Also we had a class where we sat right next to each other and twice girls said we would be a cute couple and he seemed shocked but smiled a little. He also found reasons to talk to me, yet won't talk to many other girls. He also asked me for my number and apologized for being a jerk to me back in 8th grade. I hate not honestly know how he feels because I know he knows that I like him. Its been bothering me so that's why I had to write about it.

If you have any advice or Ideas then write a comment or message me because I am honestly confused.
July 25th, 2012 at 01:24am