What are people looking for in a story?

Ok so I'm not the best writer in the world... and I know my storys arn't a big thing like some writers.. but whats the trick?
What do people look for in a story? Do they look for all the right grammar and spelling? ( If so people must hate my storys... I'm horrable at spelling...) I know people have there own favorites in a story, personally I love a good romance about vampires and werewolfs, and stuff like that. And im not picky about spelling and grammar.
But when your writing a story (like I am.) and you have both positive and negitive feedback like people saying for example, Oh my gosh I love your story keep it up!! and other people contradicting that saying that the story is garbage.
Who do you listen to?
And its especially hard when you love the story your writing... and the first comment you get is a negative one.
Should you stop a story when all you get is negative feedback?
When is the time to say to yourself "yea this story isn't working." ?
Is there a time for that?
So maybe its all about who you are a what kind of story you like.
Back to the main question. What are people looking for in a story?
I think its up to the person. If your a person who doesn't like vampire and werewolf storys, you wouldn't read them or give them good comments, but if you like storys about crime then you would read them and give good comments....
I think its all in the person your dealing with....

July 25th, 2012 at 01:40am