Dream Journal Challenge- Dream 3- Birthday Disaster

~Dream 3~ About a week ago I had this dream.

In my dream I woke up and had gotten ready for school like any other day. I took my shower, got dressed, and walked out into the living room. Both my parents were awake and talking on the couch. I got my breakfast, which was Mini Wheats, sat down in the chair, and started eating.

"Good morning." I said to them, after I had taken my first bite.

They didn't even look up at me. I just shrugged it off and finished my breakfast. About ten minutes later, my friend Bianca pulled up. I got into the car and mumbled a hello to her. She didn't say anything back. The car ride to school was extremely quiet. Bianca wasn't her normal cheery self. She normally yapped the whole way to school, or listened to some music. Not today.

We pulled up into the school, and I walked straight into the gym and found my "twin" Sasha. I sya twin because we both share the same birthday. (this is actually true. the girl I am talking about used to be one of my best friends. We were both born on the same day, and about ten minutes apart, yet in different states.) I told her happy birthday and she just smiled and said thank you. I knew she knew it was both of our birthdays, because she used to make such a big deal out of it.

I was starting to get upset. I walked over to my best friend Maci, hoping she would tell me happy birthday, but she didn't even say it. She always remembered my birthday. I was about to go lock myself inside a stall when the bell rang. I made my way to first period and sat in a random desk. About ten minutes later, the bell rung again, and the announcements came on.

"Good morning everyone! I hope you all have a wonderful day!" Our principle says. Then we had the moment of silence and the pledge to the flag. Afterwards she wished everyone a happy birthday except for me. Four kids had a birthday today, and that wasn't counting mine. Yet, everyone seemed to forget about mine.

That was who the rest of my day went in the dream. Not a single birthday wish. When the last bell rang, I ran to my friends car. We got in and made our way home. She turned on our normal route, yet passed our rode.

"Umm... B. You passed our rode." I say to her.

"I know. I thought we could do a little bit more driving." She says.

Then I just woke up. I find this dream very weird... Mainly because I had it a month before my brithday, and because, well my parents have never, ever forgotten my birthday.
July 26th, 2012 at 01:01am