have to say this or ill go crazy

god i feel horrible...physically and emotionally physically my head hurts like a MOTHER and emotionally..i feel like a punching bag... my boyfreind(yes the one i keep complaining about) he's just... he's been on me about everyrthing i say he says i always screw up then gets mad when i get upset about it. I know i do screw up sometimes but hearing him say that... makes me feel worse than a punching bag makes me want to sink down into my bed and become the matress. He's been under alot of stress his father threatened to disown him but...he's taking it out on me saying i always screw up and cause him pain i love him. I know alot of girls in my place say the same thing but i do genuinly love him and i dont know why he's acting like this he's usually pretty good, loving supportive but not latley and i cant tell my mother becasue she will be soooo pissed and god only knows what she'd do. I can only tell my freinds a small portion of it because of the same reason. if anyone hase any advise will they please leave me a message? I know blogs arnt just advice collums(im pretty damn sure thats miss spelled but eh) he's been yelling alot latley and just...everything's my fault i cant do anything right to him and it's really starting to get to me please help?
July 26th, 2012 at 09:26am