A Grand Variety

A large battle rages deep within a mountain. The world is splashed in red. I cut a bloody swath through the horrific looking monsters, slow motion fighting. Oddly set to the epic theme tune of Protectors of Earth by Two Steps From Hell. I have two swords and I wield them with unbelievable precision and ferocity. I am graceful and merciless. Everyone dies before my hand.
And then suddenly, standing with blood up to my knees - the blood of fallen comrades and slain enemies - surrounded by my fellow warriors I decide that enough is enough. This is no way to live.
And so I leave. My warrior friends turn against me and I must slay them and the monsters to get out. So I do and there's no feeling. Just a desperation to leave. I get to the Great Door that leads to the rest of the world. It opens and a woman dressed entirely in black with perfect eyeliner has her blade at my eye. Then she slides away to let me pass.
I'm on a waterfront and I'm walking around full of discontent. My friend arrives, jolting me from my ruminations. I find, to my shock, that whilst I have been wandering, staring forlornly at the floating jetty I walk on, houses have sprung up on the land side of the lake.
"So these are the new university accommodation buildings?" I ask, a little depressed that I have since left university.
"Yup! Pretty nifty yes?" He says with more cheeriness than I myself can muster.
I'm kidnapped in a car by a smiling man with glasses. I kick him in the face and boot him out of the car. My friend who is also in the car with me. I scream at him to drive, begging and pleading.
"Please drive." I'm in hysterics and nearly crying. My friend smiles at me. Fearing the worst I unceremoniously push him out of the car, reverse it and drive away.
July 27th, 2012 at 01:08am