How come?

How come I can get my friends a date, but I can't get myself one?!?!?! It sucks!!! I am always successful at finding other people one, yet I am still lonely and will probably always be! Has this ever happened to you? Or am I the only one? Lets hope not! I will succeed at finding that perfect someone for me this year! (Me + British guy from school whom called me cute) Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I think I'm going crazy!!!

Wanna know more about the guy? Probably not but I will tell anyway! He is british and he is a ninja!!! He is very sneaky and he scared the crap outta me by smeaking up behind me. O.o BOOO! Lol! He is not the brightest crayon in the pack, but he is sweet and caring! He is attempting to teach me how to draw along with my bestest friend!

The only reason I am still writing stuff is because a blog deleter told me this had to be at least 200 words! So I will have 200 words!! Does 200 count as a word? Oh well.....So I haven't said Hi to everyone yet so here it goes, "HEYYYY! I'm Emily! Nice to meet you all!

A little about myself: I love to read anything, write lots of stuff, draw landscapes and hearts, and sing my little ol' heart out! I am also a ninja! Maybe..... Anyway I think I have reached 200 words! Happy now Blog Deleter? Bye-bye!!!
July 27th, 2012 at 09:01pm