Man I feel old

I realised yesterday I used to love this site but now I don't know...everything's a fan fiction or sob story and all the things that I loved reading are gone. What happened? I can't seem to find something original that'll make me think or laugh or entertain. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind reading about someone's life but honestly, this site seems to have turned into a soap opera fest. Left and right, I scroll and click and skim trying to find something that'll stand out from everything else but it's mostly the same to me.

Maybe it's because I've long outgrown high school or something along those lines but I'm starting to lose hope in finding an amazing story or poem here. If I am wrong, please post me a story or a poem or I saw that now you can recommend things. I'm not even that old to be honest but when I first joined I was 15 or so...I might've been 14 now that I think back and now at almost 4 or 5 years later, all this reeks of high school drama.

It's not the end of the world for anything, most people on this site are pretty young...I'm young. Life is full of possibilities yet from what I read, it's all over exaggerated drama. Think about it: does it REALLY matter if Susie so-and-so said this and that about you? Are your parents REALLY out to get you? Of course not!!! Talk it out or ignore it. There is absolutely no need to dwell on it like I'm dwelling on half-way complaining about what I'm seeing (I have no life and I don't work today). Play a game, take a nap outside, ride a bike, learn an instrument. I've seen ukeleles and little silver flutes and ocarinas for less than $20 in American money. They're cheap but entertaining.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that at least I'll try to write more about what I wish I would be able to read coming from others and praise anyone who doesn't spend hours dwelling on the bad and taking all that anger on positive.

July 28th, 2012 at 12:16am