Birthdays, Frodo & Story Updates

Hey there, party people. I have a question to pose to you.
Do you do anything for your birthday anymore?
It seems like just a few years ago- birthday parties were a pretty big deal. I don't know about you- but I haven't actually done anything (besides the necessary family dinner- minus the elder brother who is just too damn busy to come up for your birthday- THAT'S ON A WEEKEND. YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE CLASSES JOSEPH. GET YO' ASS DOWN HERE.... I love you.) for my birthday in years.
Unless you count your boyfriend at the time gathering like... three of your friends to sit with some chips in the backyard for an hour or two- which isn't necessarily my idea of a good time. Usually it wouldn't bug me at all to not do much of anything- in fact I prefer laying around in bed as opposed to going out into the real world.
But, it sort of bugs me this year.
Because I'm turning eighteen. I'm gonna be a grown-up and everything.
I can even buy lighters and stuff from infomercials when the time comes- not that I really would ever need to...
So, is it just me? Is it weird that I want to just sleep through my birthday but also want to do something awesome? I'm a very indecisive person. "Maybe" and "I don't know" are my most commonly used words/phrases, seriously- ask anyone.

I also like to rant.
I'm in a mood about Frodo right now. I really just don't like the guy. He's a baby and Sam does the majority of the work. I know, I know- Frodo is the key because he can have the ring and not succumb to it and everything. But here's a point: he did succumb to the power of the ring in the end. I would have kept it and everything and caused the world to crumble and all that good stuff, if Gollum hadn't appeared out of nowhere (after NOT DYING AGAIN) and bit his friggin' finger off.
I just think that although Frodo is the main protagonist in the story- he's not the hero (so to speak). Aragorn and Sam are the heroes.
I like me a hero.
But I like me a villain too.
Just not really in Lord Of The Rings.
Don't get me wrong; Sauron is a BAMF. As is the Witch King. But they aren't likable as much as the heroes and junk.
Unlike Loki (who I like as much as I like the hero) and Scarecrow (who I like MORE than the hero).

On a more serious note: I've been working on all of my stories- but I'm reaching a few issues in my mind.
The first is that I have way too many ideas in my head. And not just ideas for the stories I have right now- but for other stories I want to write, and that always gets the best of me so I don't work on the stories I really should work on.
The second is that I've been watching a lot of Doctor Who and Sherlock- so instead of having Avenger-y feels, I'm having Johnlock and Ten & Rose feels.
The third is that it's just difficult for me to write these days. I'm not really inspired a lot and that takes a toll when I try to write- so a single chapter I used to be able to write in a night, now takes multiple late nights staring at my computer screen and trying to make words with my less-than-functioning creative side of my brain.

But fret not my pretties- the updates will come. :]

This has been a long, rant-y post by yours truly.
Love, Laura
July 28th, 2012 at 07:30am