Lets kick things off...

Hi there people of mibba who read the blogs section and have stumbled across my blog. I thank you for checking my post out!

This post is essentially me saying a hello and telling you all that I'm going to start posting here frequently about a few aspects of my life that I either need to document or just feel like sharing. These include:

My bands: Red Riot and Anaesthesia.
My work: Creative Sound and Music research and progress.
My writting: I'll post on progress of any stories that I'm currently writting on mibba.
My music: the music thats inpiring me. I'm thinking of writting a song every day for a month.
My life: University life and tips.

I'm taking advantage of a lot of spare time that I have since it is the Summer Holidays and I'm not doing much.

I'll try my best to make my blog posts interesting and entertaining enough for any people who would like to follow.

Thanks for reading!

I'll post again soon!

July 29th, 2012 at 03:41pm