just need to get stuff off my chest and out of my mind

A little background, my parents divorced when I was 6 and shortly after I was left at my aunts house so my mother could "get back on her feet". 2 years ago I moved from my aunts house to my mothers step-brothers house. When I got there he called my mother and informed her that I was now living with him and she decided to "visit"... turning in to me living with her again after my uncle left.

Recently my mother remarried to a man she barely knew more than a few months. They had met one day last year in April and he came over to see my mother and never went back home after that.. they started dating and he became controlling and abusive. Around June or July of the same year he left saying that he needed some time to himself and that I was ruining their relationship by making him feel uncomfortable. How I do not know but anyways... at the end of August he crawled back to mother and she took him back and they married in September just before my baby sister was born. After 2 weeks the fighting started again and my mother told me I was ruining her life and that I obviously didn't want her to be happy because I was trying to run her boyfriend off. A day later I was told to pack my bags and go with my father to live with him because she didn't need me f***ing things up for her. So my sister and I went to stay with my father and some other family for a while. I came back home just before Christmas to find that my mother and her new husband didn't last even with me away so it obviously wasn't me that was the problem. They are still married today but in the process of a divorce and she has already gotten engaged to marry yet another man. She also does not know this one very well and she knows for a fact that he sleeps around yet she wants to be with him. I am always the one to catch the bad temper and anything else negative from her frustrations and anger. Now I'm not abused physically but emotionally and verbally I am. I also have a cat who is abused both physically and mentally by her when she feels he has done something "wrong" which in her eyes is EVERYTHING. She doesn't like to listen to logic or reason or anything that would make her realize that she's not doing SOMETHING in her life right. I just don't know what to do or where to go from this point on in my life.

Kind of a rant I guess but it helped me get things out and feel a little better.
July 30th, 2012 at 08:38pm