Mystery books, Hershey's bar buses, and a sleepover at Dracula's castle.

I am logging this dream first because it was the first dream I had that was completely insane. It is also one of the few dreams that has not been a reoccurring dream.

I had this dream several years ago but it is still as vivid as the morning I dreamed it.

I was standing in a store, it was almost like a Big Lots that carries basically a little bit of everything. I was in the book section, it wasn't very big, but I kept searching through it over and over again looking for a book. I finally began to wander around the store and started running into people I knew. I was still in middle school at the time and I kept seeing people from my grade.
I ran into two of my close friends, Britt and Anna, right as my coach, from elementary, walked up and said it was time for us to go.
As we started to leave, I caught a glimpse of something sticking out from under a stack of stuff on one of the shelves. I managed to pry it free, and realized it was the book I had been looking for. [When I woke up I never could really remember what the book looked like. I know it was a hardback book and the background of the picture was a purplish grey. I never could remember the name.]

I rushed to the cash register but never made it. I turned down an aisle and the whole world shifted. I was standing still next to a set of stairs that lead inside a trailer. Everyone I had seen in the store was running past me up the stairs. The weird thing was, they were all dressed as Neopets and they were throwing their heads at me. [Still not sure where that random segment came from.]

I suddenly turned and I was running up a flight of stairs. I hit the last step and spilled out into a Foodworld grocery store. I raced over to my coach who was standing with a pile of luggage. I reached into the pile and hauled out a blue and yellow suitcase. I unzipped it and laying inside was the book. I zipped the bag back up as my coach and a stream of people headed for the door of the store.
"Coach!" yelled trying to get his attention, but he didn't hear me. I followed him outside to the buses, which happened to be painted like a milk chocolate and dark chocolate Hershey's bar. I boarded the dark chocolate bus and slammed into my coach.
"Coach, we still have a lot of kids inside. We can't leave yet." I told him.
"You better tell them to hurry. We're pulling out of here in five minutes."
I nodded and leaped off the bus and back inside the store. I ran past my suitcase and halted at a giant gate.
I stared at it and realized that it was the outer gate for Dracula's castle, the real one in Transylvania. We had spent the night in Dracula's castle, inside a Foodworld...[No idea how I came to that conclusion.]
Gathering myself I raced through the gate and inside the castle. I took a hard left and ran all the way down a long stone hallway. At the end was a huge wooden door with wrought iron fastenings. A few of the guys in my class were standing outside the door as if they were waiting on something.
"Guys the buses are leaving we have to go now!"
Cody looked at me suddenly panicked, "Britt, Anna, and --[i forgot this girl's name] are still in the girl's rooms."
"I'll go get them. Just get the guys out of here."
He nodded as I shot back down the hall and into the right corridor.
One of the girls was standing outside the doorway and was pulling on a spike on the wall. Anna walked out of the apartments.
"We have to go now! The buses are pulling away."
"Crap," She said her eyes growing wide as a she raced back inside to get her bag. I heard her call for Britt.
Then we were off down the hall. As we passed the lobby the boys joined us coming out of their hall. I nodded to Cody and we raced out of the gate. I parquored my way over a bin, grabbed up my suitcase and skied across a checkout counter.
I could see the buses outside and thought we were going to make it.
As soon as I opened the door, what had just been noonday turned to night and the buses were no where to be seen. But we never stopped running. Kylar, Cody, Britt, Anna, Laney and I turned to the right and took off across the parking lot. We ran and ran with the pavement thundering beneath our feet.
We ran till the urban city gave way to forests. I suddenly felt the ground begin to rise. We were running uphill but the more we ran the steeper it got, till we were literally trying to run up a 90 degree angle.
I lagged behind a step or two and Anna yelled at me, "Come on! We can make it!"
I finally pulled both feet together and pushed off the road with all my might. We basically floated or flew up the last part of the hill, suitcases in tow the whole time.
Our feet touched down at the top of the hill and we looked down into the valley where our middle school was. It was still dark and there was fog enshrouding most of the building. We stared in relief as the buses were just pulling up to the door.
"We made it!" Britt yelled.
Cody and Kylar high-fived as I threw my bag down.
I unzipped the front pouch and held the book up in victory.

Since having this dream all of my dreams have either been nightmare in wonderland crazy or I have been running for my life. I still don't really know what to make of this one.
July 31st, 2012 at 02:02am