Who do you think had a more tragic life?

Ok so my friend and I have been debating this for a long time now, these two people are in my family, but it always comes down to this "well who do you think had a more tragic life???!" the problem? we disagree, now we're wondering what your opinion is, so if you would be so kind... could you read these two lives then in your opinion, who you thought had the more tragic life? thankies and don't cry :')

woman ONE: she grew up with a VERY large family, but she hasn't seen in a very long time, when she was born her older sister was living somewhere else, her mother had become very sick, and her father went to war to fight the Nazis, her mother sent her to live with her grandparents, there she was loved as if she were theres, later the father had returned and thus she got to go home also, as soon as she did her mother died and the father was very elusive with her (she didn't see him very often) she pleaded to live with her grandparents once again, but the grandmother had passed away, so she lived with her grandfather, a kind gental man until she was 16, then she fell in love and when she was 17 she had a kid and had got married, a few years later her father moved closer and evuntally moved in with them, then she had her second child, after her second child was born her husband went insane and began to beat the kids, they got into many aurguments, until they had their last 'mistake' child, later her husband threatened to kill himself if she ever left him, they had many trips to where they went to many places but the one thing she had never told him was that she used to drug his coffee so then he, would fall asleep and the kids would be safe, her father had died abruptly and after she stayed a little longer but all the shit he did was driving her crazy, so the day before she left (with the youngest, because the two older had moved out) he warned her again, but instead of falling for it, she hit him with her car and said "GO TO HELL!" and without saying a word a day after they moved out. she went on many dates, she was beginning to fall in love with one of her guy friends, but on the first date they went out on he had a heart attact and died in his soup... years later through a family friend she met the man of her dreams, they were married for many years till one night he had an extra peice of cake (he had diabeties) and died in their bed when she woke she screamed in horror, finding her husband cold and unresponsive.

woman TWO: this little girl had it pretty tough, both of her siblings were gone most of the time, her mother and father worked alot, her father had told her she was the "mistake child". she was left alone with the animals, when everyone was home she would hear the beatings, yelling and screaming that her father inflicted on her siblings, she stayed huddled up, not making a sound hiding from his wrath, but he never hit her, even so her toung would turn black from the stress she had to deal with on a daily baises. after her siblings had moved out she watched her mother poison her father, she watched the father yell at her mother, then her father went mad while she was still in the room and try to hang and drink rat poisn telling her it was her mothers fault, she watched her mother hit her father with the car they packed up the next day, and the biggest thing she never got to do was to say good-bye to her bestfriend before they moved away.
when she was older she fell in love with a wonderful man who was well a foot taller than she was, they got married and had a kid, the new child was very young when the father went back to drugs to treat his bipolar and depression, she asked him to move out so then he wouldn't poison their child. he moved out and a few months later he went back to the normal loving husband, though she watched him, she fought that he wouldn't go back to the pills, but eventuallt he did.. he accedentally took the wrong pills together which in turn killed him, she ran to him after she heard him call her name, she sat next to him holding his giant body up watching him talk to someone else, someone who wasn't there, she watched him snap out of it when their daughter entered the room his last words he said were "GET HER OUTTA HERE!!!" she watched him turn blue, the ambulance came, but by the time they had arrived he had already died in her arms. she raised the child who was 6, by herself, it didn't help with the child reminding her that she had lost her husband, not only with words but with the eyes she inherreted from him.
July 31st, 2012 at 02:49am