So there's this boy | Rattled

I've worked all week. Today was my last day for the week and then i have a couple of days off, finally. My feet are sore and I haven't been sleeping properly. I basically live at my workplace. I have no time for anything. And then a half hour before my shift is done, someone calls in sick.

I work at a coffee shop. It's very short staffed because the boss is an idiot and doesn't like to hire people. One girl's going on vacation for a month so the schedule is all screwy. So who has to work to cover for whoever is sick? Me.

This would be fine, and not a big deal if I didn't have plans. Plans that i had to reschedule already and now have to do again. I'm just really sick and tired of it. It's been going on for awhile. Where I work sucks, everything sucks and is going to shit.

There's this guy. And no, this not some cheesy cute post, though I would be inclined to make it one if I was in my normal state of mind. He's a very good friend of mine, and yeah, I do like him, he likes me, whatever. I kind of feel like he doesn't think I can make him happy.

And I know I can because we never fight, and he's never frowning around me. It's just... the god damn distance. And because of that, I guess he got a girlfriend. I cried about it for a bit. But I think I'll just leave him be for awhile. :/ I don't want to get all jealous and such. Our relationship is important to me, and this is me protecting it. It's just gonna suck, because I'll miss him.

But he won't even know i'm gone. Well, he might. He can talk to me when he wants to.

On a side note, I got a Macbook pro. Took me a few days to get used to it, but I kinda like it. (:
July 31st, 2012 at 05:18am