Good Morning | Comment Swap?

I am kind of tired right now to where I can go for another hour or two of sleep but I can't because I have to work in a hour. I hate morning shifts but at the same time I don't because that leaves my evening's open. I can hang out with friends (what friends jk) or my boyfriend. Plus I have more time to actually work on stories which is the purpose of this entry.

I'm writing a story. Its slash and its of Tom Hiddleston and Chris Hemsworth. If you don't know who those wonderful men are they play Thor and Loki in 'Thor' and 'Avengers'. Both amazing movies. Anyway. Perhaps you could take a moment to check it out.

Come Out Of The Shade

If you can,also, leave a comment or something to tell me what you think of it. I feel like I rushed it a bit but I want to know your opinions.

1. If you leave a commen on my story, give me a story of your own and I'll leave one as well.

2. How is your morning so far?
July 31st, 2012 at 03:54pm