Dream Journal 2: How can you eat that!

This dream was gross but short. I had it while spending the night over my friend's house.

I sitting in my best friend's kitchen with my best friend, Amy, and her mom. Amy and her mom were both eating. I did not take notice of what it was they were eating at first. I was just staring out the window. After a while, Amy offered me some food. It was hard boiled eggs. I'm not a huge fan of eggs so I said, "No."

Her mom started talking about how the eggs could be better. She said, "Black pepper and salt would probably make it a lot tastier."

Then Amy said, "Yeah, but chicken blood would make it even better than that!"

I was disgusted. I could not help but think of the poor chickens that would get hurt if they did that. Not to mention dipping a chicken egg in chicken blood seemed like a terrible thing to do to a poor unborn chick.

After they said those things a bowl of fresh chicken blood appeared on the table. Amy and her mom each took a hard boiled egg and dipped it into the red liquid. They each took a bite of their eggs at the same time. They smile and said, "Mm mm, tasty."

Her mom said, "You were right! That was good."

After that I almost threw up. But before my dream self could vomit I woke up.

I have to say I'm glad Amy didn't want to have eggs for breakfast.
July 31st, 2012 at 10:20pm