Writing Project (Major Catch up!!!) Days 5-10

I've been super lazy lately, so I'm playing catch up right now. So please enjoy days 5-10.

5. Is this story in a series? Tell about the prequels and sequels if they're being planned?

At the moment, I highly doubt there'll be any sequels or prequels. The story doesn't really call for any.

6. What things give you inspiration?

In general, or just in this story? I'm pretty sure I babbled about the inspiration for the story the first day. I pull inspiration from anything and everything. I creep around the forums a lot for ideas. Music of course is a big influence. I really love looking at pictures on Weheartit.com. I love being able to look at a picture and create a complete story around that picture. Sometimes I'll see a character and I just design a story for them. I've always been creative so I'm constantly throwing around ideas by myself.

7. Talk about the themes and plot of the story.

Themes? ( Don't judge me, but I had to look this up) I don't know. According to the world wide web, it depends on the reader. I don't really have a specific theme planned out, but if someone's able to find one, good for them. I'm pretty sure I already had to tell the plot but the basic plot is: Bruno does something horrible and asks Claudia to run away with him. She agrees and they become a infamous criminal couple.

8. Introduce us to a main character (just one!)

Name: Claudia Ann Kapper
Claudia has always felt like "one of the boys". She hates to under estimated because she is a girl although at times, she can be pretty girly. Claudia is typically strong willed with a smart tongue that goes along with her attitude. she has a lot of friends, but her best friend is her neighbor Grace. The two have been close since childhood. She may seem like a bitch due to her facial expressions, but Claudia is not a completely heartless person.She's not one for school things, but makes little effort to try.

9. How often do you write on this story?

Well, not very often. I write every couple of days I suppose. However, even when I'm not writing, I'm always thinking about the next thing for my story.

And finally...

10. Give us a taste of your structure, outlines, and how you plan your stories?

Structure?Outlines? Planning? Bwahahaha, that's rich. I do very little planning. My outlines look something like this:

Basic Plot:

So yeah...
July 31st, 2012 at 11:14pm