Am I the only one that this happens to?

We all have eyelashes and sometimes they fall out but I lose several eyelashes a day.

Back in April I had an eyelash embedded in the while fluid part of my eye for about 10 hours before I went to the eye hospital at about 1 AM. When I got there the doctor put numbing drops in both of my eye so I couldn't feel anything other than the weird sensation that the numbing drops produced. He proceeded to shine these extremely bright blue, white, and yellow lights directly into my eyes from a few inches away. It was difficult to keep my eyes open especially because I'm very sensitive about things touching or being near my eyes. He flipped my eyelids up and down and it turns out that the eyelash that was in my left eye was no longer there because I must have finally gotten it out. However, that cornea was scratched which was why I still felt sharp, gritty pain in that eye.

In my right eye, however, he said that there was a clump of eyelashes together in there. I hadn't even felt anything in that eye but they were stuck in the fornix (the part under the eye which is the muscle that allows the eye to move). He took a Q-tip and swabbed under my eye and got the clump of them out. It looked like they had been in there a long time because they were discolored which was pretty disgusting. After I got discharged I had to get moisturizing drops to help heal my cornea.

Two days ago I was at my friend's house after his Eagle Scout court of honor and I felt a sharp pain in my eye and my vision was also cloudy. I went to look in the mirror and in my right eye, directly across my pupil was a huge eyelash stuck in my eye again! I wanted to scream when I saw it. It quickly disappeared under my eye to the fornix and at that point I didn't care anymore because I figured it'd just stay there and wouldn't bother me because back in April I didn't even know that group of three eyelashes was in there. My eye continued to sting throughout the day and yesterday as well. Today, I woke up and in the mirror I saw what looked like three eyelashes embedded in my right eye to the left of the eyeball. I was immediately upset about it because of what happened before and I ended up going to the eye doctor today. The same procedure that happened in April happened again today only this time the doctor used forceps instead of Q-tips and he put colored dye in my eye to see if my cornea was scratched (it wasn't this time). There were no eyelashes in my left eye but in my right eye there were SEVEN. Seven eyelashes- I couldn't believe it. Four were stuck together in the upper corner of my eye and three were stuck together in the fornix below my eye. It was more painful than last time and my eyes still hurt even though it's been a few hours since I left the place. When I got home, another eyelash had fallen out but that one was on my face and not in my eye at least.

Now that this blog has reached its end I'm curious, has anyone else experienced this eyelash trauma? I seriously want to cut off all of my eyelashes but that would look weird and they'd grow back anyway. The doctor said there's no way to prevent this from happening so I'd just have to keep going through this same problem again and again :/ I've never heard of anything like this happening to anyone else so I'm starting to think it's an anomaly all my own...
August 1st, 2012 at 12:55am