Dream Journal #7

I stopped remembering my dreams for nearly a week there, which I attributed in part to spending three nights sleeping at my sister's apartment while dog-sitting – aside from it just being different from my own bed, their guest bed has a pillow-top mattress which I find shockingly uncomfortable. Apparently for some people they are wonderfully comfortable but for me they're just a backache. So anyway I was throw off and I've been blaming that. Now I've been back in my own bed a few nights, though – although I didn't have this dream last night; I had it just now during a short nap. Yes I am that lazy to have already taken a nap today, but I had the time, I love napping, and I was in a rotten mood and napping often helps with that. Which it did a bit but I'm still feeling crappy. Not helped by the fact that I just put on a load of wash and it seemed like half my clothes were stained. How was I so bad at eating so many times last week, seriously.

ANYWAY. Backstory for the dream: My dad has been smoking on and off for a lot of his life. He used to chain smoke cigarettes but quit that when my older sister was young, but then he'd go back and forth smoking cigars – significantly fewer than he'd smoke cigarettes, but cigars are significantly worse for you, so there you go. He always brushes me off and makes lame excuses when I say anything to him about it, which frankly pisses me off. Most recently he smoked throughout the month of my sister's wedding (October) during which time lots of family was visiting and there were lots of celebrations and such. Then he quit, then he started up again while in Ireland, probably for most of the month he was there but certainly around the time of my cousin's wedding. That was three weeks ago and even though he claimed he'd quit as soon as he got home, he's still at it. Sooo anyway CONTEXT.

After those two stupidly long paragraphs the dream itself is pretty short: I was wandering around looking for my dad, found him smoking, and started yelling at him, like really just letting loose how angry it makes me that he smokes and the way he acts about it when anyone talks about it. (I'm usually very reasonable and I've never gone off on him like I did in the dream despite wanting to very very much.) And I think he continued to brush me off in the dream which made me madder. But that's really it. I remember the setting fairly well – I think it was some distorted version of the town pool but the side we didn't set up at as kids (my town's pool is an artificial lake so it's big enough to have far sides).

Funny enough, after the dream I had a dream about typing up said dream in a blog on Mibba; such is the depth of my commitment to promoting Mibba's Dream Journal Challenge (which you can still enter! entries due August 15!). What I remember from that dream other than staring at the computer screen and typing away was trying to do the title and writing stuff like "It's not really interesting. I don't know how to make it sound interesting." I've been having pretty boring dreams so I don't have little interesting teasers to put in the title like everyone else, so I've just been numbering them.

I wish we could make blogs visible to ourselves only like we could with journals so I could continue to keep a dream journal after the contest is over without adding my boring-ass, typo-ridden blogs to the blog list. I suppose I'll just keep them in drafts; such is life.

Okay bye~.
August 1st, 2012 at 06:56pm