My Chemical Romance concert! Meeting Frank! Speaking to Bob on a walkie talkie!24//03//07

Okay. I'm going to try and write an account of last night's My Chemical Romance gig. It's going to be hard. As I'm likely to forget like everything. So...I apoligise for any mistakes//missed out stuff.

Got there about half 6. No queue at all which I found pure ace. They didnt even search us, so I couldve took a damn camera after all!! Went inside. Found the merch queue, it was actually like 203920 miles long. Found the end, rang Sam, she came and found us and queued wih us for a bit. Bloody hell, there were some bloody fit people there 2bf. Some weirdos like, and a few chavs one was my brother, he was dressed in FULL TRACKIES. Was in the merch queue for over an hour. Went mad. People kept pushing in and it wanted to eat their feet cos of it. So...spent £86 on merch! But it was amazing. Got a hoody, a scarf, an arm band, a poster and 2 tshirts. The dude was moaning cos I got so much. The gay.

Left merch place. Found seats. They were good! Amazing view. Was chufed as. We missed the 1st 2 Thursday songs though, but to be fair they are AMAZING. Seriously was like woaaaah. Geoff Rickly= DOLL. Kept swinging the mic around like a nutter. He kept jumping on the amps. The keyboard player didnt even play keyboard half the time, he just screamed! They played some awesome tunes, deffo gonna go and buy a few of their albums now. Rickly gave a speech on rednecks which made me piss laughing. The beast. He kept bumming the fact they're from New Jersey. What else...oh I cant remember anything. The place was abit empty for Thursday to be fair, felt a bit sorry for them. When their set had finished, there was quite a long wait to MCR. The time was filled up by everyone texting in weird things to the screen, like 'SCREAM IF YOU LOVE GERARD FRANK AND MIKEY' and I was like wtf about Ray and Bob? There was about 3 marriage proposals. A bunch of shitty ones about the mighty boosh. 1 about muse. 1 proposing to Gee...*Rolls eyes* and 1 about cheese. Then there was a big mexican wave through the whole stadium! Was AMAZING. Then it repeated like 4 times but every1 got bored after a while. Everyone got restless and was screaming MCR and stuff. Then after like half an hour or something THE LIGHTS WENT DOWN.

Gee was wheeled on in the bed. Screaming galore? Abitmuch. I died. Jumped up, screaming and being all gay. As my camera on my phone had broken, I could only film it. He started singing the end. Oh god. Amazing. Oh god. Brilliant. I cant even describe it. Like woah? Curtain dropped. OH GOD MCR. The 1st thing I focused on was Bob. Dunno why. Well yeah. I dunno what to put. They played the entirety of the black parade. ACE??? Yes. I filmed 4 songs, and sound recorded the rest. I missed most of 1 song cos I was trying to ring Phi, who didnt answer! I rang Simone too but she couldnt hear it or something. Gerard, wasnt himself. I dont know...he was different. He says the words fuck//fuckers//motherfucker just a bit too much. Was so impressed with them all...holy cow. I went mad. I mean...mad. Never jumped//punched//kicked//headbanged//sang//screamed//swore so much in my whole life. The only song I actually cried in was cancer. But that was cos before they played it, Gee was like 'This song is dedicated tto all have been affected by cancer...' and I kept thinking of my grandad. Pure cried. Almost did during a lot of the songs but I didnt. On all the recordings I did, all you can hear is me singing wailing!! Gerard said a few weird things. God I wish I could post the recordings on her so you could all hear! Recorded practically the entire gig! He was like 'the black parade is actually from italy'. Okay...random. There were so many teenies there it was unbelievable!! There were 2 in front of me, and they barely knew any of the songs. The gays. They kept taking pics of themselves and writing 'I love gerard and frank' on their arms. Grrr. Never sat down, got so many weird looks for being so crazy. Bob's spinning drumkit= WOAH! I love that man. They were all so damn impressive. The flamethrowers//confetti//singing along//random speeches was fantastic. There was a bit of FRAY! Which is Frank//Ray action. Noice. What else...Gerard told us all our dreams wont come true. Which wasnt very nice. Oh well. Famous last words was amazing, EVERY1 stood up and sang along, even my chavvic bro. After they went off after the black parade, the background was replaced the the ring of guns and revenge inside it, WOAH. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Yano, it was like you were the only one in there. Gerard was singing to you, and you were singing right back at him. It was amazing. I loved how so many people sat down during the Revenge set. All the fucking teenies didnt know any of the songs apart from Im Not Okay//Helena//Ghost of you. Some by me were like 'Is this one called Im not okay?' when INO came on. I was actually the only one in my section who stood up and sang to every song. Gays. Loved the revenge set...woahwoahwoah. Best gig evereverever. So many people in there...woah. A lot happened during it. But for one, Icant think of it all right now. And secondly, some people havnt seen it yet so I wont spoil the surprise =] Just know, it is the best gig you will eve attend. Fucking amazing.

As soon as Helena finished, me and Mark pure ran out of there, because we planned to get to the meeting gate 1st. We were waiting outside for Sam who said she was still inside, and I proper got angry and panicked, then after like 5 minutes of waiting I got a phonecall saying she was at the gate and I ran like the fucking wind all the way there. It was amazing. I mean, I cant run. But I FLEW. Almost knocked over like 10 people haha. Got there, and there was loadsa people there. I had a massive swearing fit right in front of Sams mum and I didnt realise she was there at 1st dang. There was a tiny gap between 2 girls, and i grabbed the bar and refused to move even though they were trying to push me back. Loooooadsa people got there. And thats where we stood. I went crazy and started singing and shouting and being all silly. I told the firemen to strip and sung relight my fire to them. I was kinda leading the crowd, it was weird. The gates kept having to open so they could get coaches//cars//trucks in and out, and we all kept having to squashed backwards and experience pure pain! Got molesting way too much 2bh. I kept shouting 'I NEED TO SPEAK TO BOBBB.' Dunno why. Anyway, my mum kept saying 'theyre not going to come out, lets go' but we had to stay to give them the good luck book we made them! People started to moan round half 11 which was only like an hour after the gig finished and quite a few left. At midnight a lotta people left. One girl behind us goes 'Come on, lets got for a chinese, only the hardcores are left now' and gestured towards me and sam haha. SEE, WE ARE HARDCORE. Lol. We made a few friends there! 2 girls gave us their myspace. And 2 gave us their msn's. I asked a woman who worked their for her myspace but the saddo dont have it. Around...half 12 I think...the door opened. FRANK CAME OUT. Woah. Was so excited!!! Worm was with him again, and this other random dude who was talking on a walkie talkie and laughing. Frank started down the opposite end of the barrier, so we had to wait a while. While we were waiting, I shouted 'I NEED TO SPEAK TO BOB BOB BOB BOB', hoping they would go get him. After a while, Frank got half way up and the dude on the walkie talkie disappeared from Frank's side. I was talking to Sam about something, when the dude appeared in front of me and goes 'Were you the one who wanted to speak to Bob?' and I was like 'err yeah...' and he holds out the walkie talkie he was speaking into and goes 'Here you go then, speak to him!' OHMYGOD??? Yesh. I had no idea what to say. He right put me on the spot!! So I kinda went...'BOB, I LOVE YOU, YOU'RE SO AMAZING...' yano, the usual shite. We couldnt hear him much cos the signal was bad, then the walkie talkie died! And the dude was like 'You scared him away!' Hahaha. Then I go 'Is he coming out later?' and then FOR FUCKS SAKE, I heard a voic going 'Who? Who?' IT WAS FRANK STANDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. I couldnt speak. I wen all sheepish, started stuttering going 'Oh...nobody...doesnt matter...' and he kept laughing going 'Who!' and then I gave him the book and explained it to him, and he looked so damn amazed. Before he got to us, he seemed a bit pissed off cos a big bunch of teenies were screaming at him, but when he was going through that book he seemed so happy! The smile on his face, the giggling, the 'Wow, dude, look at Mikey's hair in this pic! Woah look at all these messages!' was amazing. The dude who makes our lives perfect, was made happy by us. Yano how good that feels? He spent a hella long time with us looking through the book, I took a pic of him reading it, then we were talking to him about when we last met him and he remembered what we gave him, but couldnt remember which set of badges it was! Blessssss. Hes gorgeous. Eurgh. SAM ASKED IF SHE COULD HAVE A KISS ON THE CHEEK. He said no sorry, but you could tell he really wanted to lol. Mark then started chatting to him about world of bloody warcraft!! Aww. The girls behind us were getting pissed off cos he spent so much time with us. He did last time too. Its amazing. Woah. Got a poster signed that I took with me, cos he's already signed my black parade. His autograph is so weird! After a while he went, I stroked him again, then he disappeared =O Woah. Mr Iero. He was reading the book as he was walking away. So glad I had that idea now =] Told him about Romance too. Ahhh. We waited until 1:45 am, butthe guards kept saying nobody else was coming out, and it was so cold and my mum said we had to go. I dont think anybody else came out after that either, so good!

When we got home, we were so damn hypo, we didnt sleep ALL night! At 8:15 am we fell asleep for 2 hours. Nackered! In the last 83 hours Ive had 9 hours sleep haha. Yeah, best night ever. Amazing gig. Amazing meeting frank again//speaking to the bryar. Woah. Woah. Woah.

This is the pic of Frank reading the book that I made him, which has messages from people from my MCR fansite in.

(This was written for my Myspace blog yesterday, so it will have references to my friends who most of you wont know, and I apoligise.
March 26th, 2007 at 06:05pm