Dream Journal No. 1 - Surprise

I've been keeping a hard copy Dream Journal on my person for the past three days. I take a full AP course schedule, which, unfortunately, prevents me from participating in Mibba. Whenever I get enough time (like now), I'll post each dream that I think might actually be worthwhile.

The most recent dream that I had, and the only one I really remembered a lot of, was last night. Some back story: My friend, Rianne, and I were talking about how busy our years are and the fact that our birthdays this year. We will both be 18 in December and graduating in May. Can you say too much to be excited for? Anyway, we were looking up our dream birthday cake styles and previous birthday mishaps and whatnot and what we thought would make the absolute best birthday ever.

If I had to guess, this is about my birthday. It was never explicitly written down anywhere, said, etc. Unfortunately, I only remember bits and pieces. If I could remember the whole thing, I'd tell people: this is what I want to happen and how I want it to happen - haha.


Rianne and I got back to my house after 4th hour. I felt sad, I think. My parents weren't even home.

~gets a little hazy here. ~

Rianne made me put a blind fold on. She made me change clothes afterward, saying that I wasn't allowed to see what I was wearing. I knew it was a dress of some sort. And high heels. She did my make up and hair. I'm not sure how but she managed to keep me from seeing anything.


We got in a four door sedan - my mom's? Next thing I know, my headphones are in my ears, my iPod volume is set on high, and the blindfold is back on.

~ next ~

the car stopped. Rianne pulled my headphones out and got out of the car. I sat there for a couple minutes after Rianne got out. I could vaguely hear her talking to someone but I couldn't figure out who or even what they were saying. My door opened and I was helped out. It wasn't Rianne. The second person never spoke but the took my left hand in theirs and placed their right hand on the small of my back. I'm not sure if it was the smell or the hands or the height that tipped me off, but my second buddy was a guy.

He never spoke but he never let me go as I was guided across a parking lot and up a couple flights of stairs.


and then I woke up.
August 2nd, 2012 at 12:53am