
For my third Dream Journal log, I am going to lump some of my dreams together. I have had several dreams that revolve around a single location. The inside of the location sometimes changes a little, but for the most part it is the same place.
The common factor is that I am always being held captive by this evil man and in all the dreams I have had, I have never seen his face.

All of these dreams have taken place at this giant Victorian mansion. Size wise it was probably closer to a hospital, but it was a house. Sometimes my mother dropped me off at this house and other times I woke up in the dream and was already inside hiding. Most of the time I was alone, but occasionally there was another kid that was trapped with me.

I remember these long hallways that felt as if they were leaning. It was almost like Alice in Wonderland, but it was nightmare-ish. I always tried to hide in these impossibly small dark corners.

The only one that I can still remember in detail is one I had this year.

I was locked in this creepy man's house and my friend Zeada was with me. I was running through the house and made it around to her bedroom. [The main thing I know that has been in all the dreams were the bedrooms and bathrooms. Because it is in the dream world the layouts and proportions of the rooms were always crazy. ] Her room was decorated in draping fabrics and had an Indian feel to it. I raced around into her bathroom and hid myself, I think I was under one of the sinks.
The room was barely lit and all of a sudden I could hear his voice. He was coming. I tried to ball up in a tight wad and imagine everything disappearing. Suddenly I was standing in the middle of his living apartment.
It was weird because the room felt warm and peaceful. I felt all the terror and dread leave my body even though I was standing exactly where I wasn't supposed to be.
I slowly walked through his apartment taking in every detail. The thing that shocked me the most was how light and open his room felt compared to the rest of the house.
I walked into another room and came to the base of the tower. There was a set of steps that wrapped around the outside and the whole thing was closed in with glass windows.
I heard what sounded like birds chirping and glanced up at the windows. There were two male Cardinals fighting with each other. They were slamming into the glass as if they were trying to get inside. They suddenly found an open window and cam zooming past my head.
The first thought that came to my mind was, "Oh no, I have to get them out of here or He will kill them."
I proceeded to try and capture the red birds and get them back outside. I almost had them, when I turned around and He was standing in the doorway.
"What are you doing in here?" He demanded stalking toward me.
"I'm sorry," I stammered, "The red birds got inside. I was trying to catch them. Please don't kill them. I'll get them back outside," I started to beg.
He caught hold of one of the birds and I woke up.

I still don't know what he was going to do. It didn't feel malicious, but I don't really know.
August 2nd, 2012 at 06:07am