Dream-like Nightmare

I don’t usually put much stock into dreams, but this is really bothering me, so please help.
For anyone who has read any of my poetry this past year, you’ll already know that I’ve been a volatile hormonal mess. Why? Because boys are stupid. One boy in particular, but I’m not going to give you the whole long story. If you’re one of those people who need all the details, my poems section contains a minute to minute account of our screwed up relationship.
But that’s not what my problem is, so bear with me a little longer.

My problem is that I’ve recently started a dream journal. For those of you who don’t know, a dream journal is basically a little book where you write down as much of your dreams as you remember, the moment you wake up, whenever you wake up. 5 AM insomnia attacks included. It’s really helpful, as the average person will forget 90% or higher of their dreams after just a few minutes, but even that’s not my problem.

My problem is that ever since I’ve started this dream journal, I’ve realized that I’ve been dreaming about “him” every night.


How messed up is that?

This guy, that I SWORE I was over a whole 5 months ago, has been chilling in my subconscious ever since! That’s not okay.

I don’t know much about interpreting dreams, so I was hoping some of you fellow Mibbians could help me out.

Why is this happening?

How do I make it stop?

Is my brain just messed up, or is it trying to tell me something in its weird dream-language?

PLEASEEEEEE help! I don’t want to just ignore and hope it goes away, but it seems I can’t shake it... and is this even a real problem, or am I just overreacting?
August 3rd, 2012 at 12:36am