Feeling lonely// Comment Swaps.. How they should be

Morning guys!

Well, I'm supposed to be catching up on summer reading right now, and instead I'm here on mibba. buahaha! I really should be reading though, school starts on wednesday and I've only read like three pages. I finished the english one, though... It's just the spanish one (which is the one I'm supposed to be reading right now) has a LOT of complicated words that I've never heard before. And I have to be looking them up on word reference ALL the time... which is annoying.

The book is written in the Spain kind of spanish so... I guess that's why it's so hard for me to read and understand.

Anyways... I'm feeling lonely on mibba right now. Lol. I don't really have friends on here. WHY DONT PEOPLE LOVE MEE?!?

Lol, I'm just kidding. But no really, I'm kind of a loner here. haha, don't really know anyone..

I have a question... how come all of the sudden almost all of the comments one gets is through comment swaps. Like, no one ever just comments because they really like your story, or just because they feel like it, you know? Like, I want REAL suscribers. And people that enjoy reading my stories and actually TELL me about how much they like the leading lady, or their best friend. And how they wish they could have a guy like (insert character name here) things like that... But, I don't know maybe that's just me?

I feel like mibba should be more like that. Aside from getting feedback on how your story is written and stuff like that, I want people who let me know that they actually enjoy reading my story.
August 3rd, 2012 at 05:16pm