I am This. This is Me.

Hey. My name is Brandy, and i am obviously new to blogging on here. There's always been a part of me that loves writing, and thats always been my favorite part. I've wanted to be a journalist since i was 6, and i don't see me changing my mind anytime soon. I found Mibba through a friend that writes stories on here, and i have been addicted to all the stories i read ever since. Mibba has to be one of the best writing sites i have been on by far.
I gained an interest in blogs when i started watching a television show called "Awkward". The main character has a "secret" blog to get all her feelings out into the open, so i decided thats what i want to do. I want to have a blog to get everything out. i want to have a blog to tell anyone who reads who i am, where i come from, and how i think. If you care, fantastic. If you don't, its your choice. To everyone who will stick with me through this journey, i love you, and i use love in a very loose sense of the word in this case. i don't really love you, i just love the fact that people care. Don't get me wrong, i know what love feels like. Family love, and love love are the best feelings in the world. Never give up trying to find them, because love is always out there somewhere waiting for you. But anyways, i'm rambling at this point, so ill end this blog with this; Thank you for reading. Thank you for caring.
Love Always,
Bee <3
August 3rd, 2012 at 06:23pm