Entry 001

Well this is my first blog entry. Yay. Haha. Well I'm Cassie. Writing is my escape from so many things. I don't think I would know what to do with myself if I didn't have writing. Even if it's a little paragraph I'm always writing somewhere.
I am sixteen years old and I've been writing since I was roughly 5 years old. My mum taught me how to write and read and the way to enjoy doing this and to just escape. Y'know?
I have a boyfriend who is awesomely supportive of me which is so refreshing from the previous guys I've dated. Between him and writing it's really my perfect idea of happiness.


I just posted a story and I'm loving the feedback already. Three subscribers! Yay. I think I might update this blog thing often just so I can let out feelings or whatever. But I also have a tumblr where I do that. Lol. Anyways, my story has a good reaction and my poem is meh. Just revised from an old poem I posted once upon a time. But band camp starts Sunday so I might not be able to post and update as much for the next week. :( I'll keep you guys updated somehow though. Definitely.

Alright, write later.
Cassie :)
August 4th, 2012 at 01:37am