Summer Romance

Okay, so I started this summer hoping and basically praying for a summer romance.

The kind of romance that you see in the movies and makes you sick because you're so lonely and too lazy to get a boyfriend.

I was just SO hopeful and asdfghjkl

A lot of guys seemed to like me but they never, I don't know, they didn't talk to me.

They just watched from afar.

And then there's this guy who comes to the mall to play cards with his "friends" and I really like him cause he's so cute and sweet and such a gentleman.

I wasted my July hoping he'd come and talk to me but nooo, he just looked and talked to his friends.

I'm not even sure if it was good talking but he stared a lot....

And now I'm crying cause I have so much work to do and I didn't get that romance.

Don't judge, ok?

uhm, so yeah.

I updated my Tumblr playlist and now I'm listening to it as I give the definition of greek words and then their origin AND THEN FUCKING PUT THEM IN SENTENCES.


I didn't ask for this class. I'm not interested in Greek Mythology, not anymore at least.

In one part of the book the author was like "THEY HAD FIFTY LOVELY CHILDREN."




they must've been at it for a long ass time then...

Okay, bye.
August 4th, 2012 at 01:40am