What Do I Do, When I Don't Know What to Do.

Okay. So we all have those nights when you just want to disappear and never come back.. right? Well, at least i do. I start to feel like no one cares, like there's nobody that would even care if i just disappeared. And sometimes, i just don't know what to do with myself. I know that there's one guy that cares, because hes always here with me every step of the way. And that's all i ask for. All i've ever needed was someone to care about me, someone to listen to me cry and vent everything that i've held in for so many years. The things that happened to me when i was younger, they cant be changed. And i'm a stronger person from it. But that part of me hurts, and it will always be the empty part of me, nagging in the back of my mind, telling me i'm worthless. What do i tell myself when i feel worthless. "Thats alright Brandy. Im sure you're good at something! you just gotta find it!" No. But im so lucky i have someone who cares out there, someone to tell me it'll be okay. Someone to ask me to not give up. Someone to keep me here. I'm lucky for that. but sometimes, i just don't know what to do. But everybody has those moments, right? or am i just as alone in this is i was when i was younger..
Love Always,
Bee <3
August 4th, 2012 at 05:24am