I Am Old Enough To Make My Own Decisions

I'm seriously tired of everything right now. Especially things at home. I am fucking 18 years old and I should be able to make my own decisions. I know what is right from wrong. I know I may sit on the computer half the day bloggin and whatever but I am responsible. If chores need to be done, yes I may take 10 minutes to get to them but I do it. But you know for once can my dad be fucking understanding. I'm out with my boyfriend and his family at a restaurant. Perhaps 20 minutes being there my boyfriend starts feeling crappy. He started having cramps and so he went to the bathroom but he was in there for like I don't know, 15 minutes or more. I was getting worried.

So my dad calls me and says he's outside waiting. I tell him that my boyfriend is in the bathroom and has cramps. I'm worried at this point so I wanted to wait til he gets out the bathroom. My dad starts fussing at me because I'm taking to long and that it isn't my responsibilty to worry about my boyfriend. Uh I am dating that person that is in the bathroom who is feeling liek crap right now. I want to stay to make sure he's okay because I know if that was me he would do the same thing for me. So then my dad just walks in and is like 'get to the car now I don't care if he's in there.' Seriously? Then leave. I'll catch a ride with his family home. If your so damn worried about food getting cold then go home. I will eat later.

I just feel like shit right now. I'm upset, pissed and I feel like I'm going to snap at my dad sooner or later. Oh then he went on saying I was being disrespectful to him. How? I'm sorry I was worried about my boyfriend. And he continued on saying things that only involved him. Like how I pretty ruined HIS evening. That I need to worry about HIM and not my boyfriend. I love how he said me me me but not once did he mention my mom or siblings. Its like he wants me to block out everyone in the world and just focus on him. Yes I know you raised me but its my time to let me do my own thing. Its time for me to make decisions.

Just let me live my life.

1. If that was your boyfriend or girlfriend, wouldn't you stay to make sure he or she is okay?
2. Do you think I was wrong for saying I wanted to stay?
August 5th, 2012 at 02:02am