Cosplays and Office Buildings

For my fifth log I am posting the only dream I have ever had about anime characters. And technically they weren't the characters themselves but people dressed as the characters.

As usual I was already running for my life, however I believe Zeada was with me in this dream too. We were in an office building, like the one in inception, that was all glass.

When we first got there I don't think there was anyone inside. It was empty. Then I opened a door and suddenly there were all these people.
They had strange bright hair colors done in all sorts of styles, and their clothes were really odd. That's when I realized they were anime characters.

Z and I bolted down the hall and started running through doors, climbing out windows, up ladders, off balconies. It was insane. I think I even had a blue katana strapped to my back.

There were seven main people that came after us, and I think they were characters that I created.

Anyway, I think I just woke up as we were moving from one floor to the next and never really knew why we were running or what the outcome was.
August 5th, 2012 at 08:01am