I Just Don't Get It!

Maybe I'm losing my touch in my writing abilities. Maybe my stories are just plain boring and nobody likes them, but I will not rest until somebody explains to me how some people can have tons of subscribers and comments when their stories are written in such a sloppy manner, I haven't the slightest clue! It bothers the Hell out of me! I'm sorry; the plot and the theme of their stories are absolutely brilliant and all but my God, lighten up on the over-usage of multiple dots (three dots is enough!) and put a comma or semi-colon in where it needs to be! And please don't get me started on the never ending trail of exclamation points. Please! If you need to exaggerate the sentence, please just use two or three, don't use a whole block of them.
I try to keep my stories as neat and well punctuated as possible and I make sure I'm using proper grammar but...I guess people just don't care about that. I mean, I know this is a creative writing website but, I was brought up to believe that presentation is everything. The way things look at first glance should mean everything, but I guess people don’t care. I guess I’m just not a good writer. Simple as that.

August 5th, 2012 at 11:27pm