That Girl

I'm just as madly in love as ever. And no matter how hard I try push these feelings away, they just seem to be getting stronger and stronger. But who knows. Maybe one day, she may get feelings for me too. I guess only time can tell. But the chances are very slim.

I like to hear her tell me she loves me, and I like it when she hugs me, because even when there isn't really any chemistry between us, it gives me hope. I love the way she treats me. She's so kind and even though she doesn't love me in that way, it doesn't make her like me any less. She's one of the nicest people I know. And that's why I love her.

It's so hard to explain why, but there's just something in my heart. She just seems so perfect to me.

I really hope that things go well for me. Just this once.

I'm trying to be positive about everything recently. It's hard but at least I'm trying. I've heard that if you have a positive attitude, good things will come to you. So I'm giving that theory a try. Because I've always had a negative attitude, and bad things have happened.

So let's. Let's just try this.
August 6th, 2012 at 05:02am