Help Me Choose

I've started writing another fanfiction (Dan Flint) and I'm really struggling to make a final decision on who to use as a visual aid of my main character, Billie Jo.

The story wont be posted for a while because I'm trying to pre-write at least all of this one then half of the sequel, but writing it is hard to do when I haven't fully decided on what she looks like.

My main contestants so far are:

Keira Knightly:


Amanda Hendrick

(The story has nothing to do with Oliver Sykes, I just think she's really beautiful)

One the one hand, Keira is so out-of-this-world gorgeous and I think her spirit fits my character very well, but on the other she's maybe a bit too perfect, a little unrealistic.

Also, Amanda isn't very versatile, in the way that her hair is pretty much exactly the same in every photograph, which would make it a bit harder to show that time has past, where as because Keira has been on the scene longer, she has a lot of very different looks. But then again, Keira is older, and my character is only meant to be 20.

Amanda is amazingly good looking, but in the terms that you could see her sitting in your local coffee shop, not just on runways and red carpet events.

I know I haven't given you very much information about the character to work on, but I just don't want to ruin it for anyone who might find themselves reading my story when it goes up, or in case I change my mind.

All I can really say is that she is mentally strong and determined. She has lived through tough times and always makes the best of situations. She's honest but not naive.

Please let me know which one you think is more appropriate.
August 6th, 2012 at 10:33pm