
Here I am once again, feeling lost some some victorious lyrics.

No but really, its six. In the morning, and I still haven't gone to bed yet. We'll actually I did for a bit. Reading some good ol' Larry and Niam feels enducing 1D fiction, when I flat out passed out. Then I woke up a few hours later and finished my story.

It made me cry. Sigh. I hate crying. I hadn't in a while though. Cry I mean. I'm starting to find it a bit unsettling on how little I cry, and when I do it always has something to do with that one boyband. SighSighSigh. I'm a bit heartless otherwise.

In other news. I've recently moved. Its been...alright. Won't get proper internet until the 15th, and that's not even garaunteed.
But it gives me time to write. And god have I been writing a lot. Also we now live in a bit of a rural area. Our rental property has gained us:
2 dogs
5 cats
6+ goats. :)
That added with our 4 dogs and cat, its sent my animal loving heart over the moon.

WellWellWell. Now I'm getting a bit sleepy. Might just go to bed. Hm.

We'll bye. :')
August 7th, 2012 at 01:13pm