Doing Drugs.

I obviously come on Mibba 98% to rant, 1% to read stories, .5% to talk to people, and .5% to think about putting up stuff that I have written.
Regarding that last bit, I have a pretty amazing story I'm working on right now (jkjk, but seriously). But I'm awful at the summary. The short one. Boo. So if anyone is bangin' at summaries, please let me know.
Now, my rant. There's this kid on Facebook, I don't know him personally, but I guess he's fairly popular in the music scene in the region he's from (which is quite a distance from good ol' Massachusetts). I'm not going to name names here, so don't ask. Anyways, this kid annoys me to begin with, but the kind of annoying that you want to be annoyed more. Like when a movie is terrible but you have to keep watching it. If anyone has seen Dead Above Ground, think that sort of thing. If you haven't, you were probably about six when it was insanely cool to be emo. Anyway, I'm getting off track.
This kid really annoys me. His big thing is jumping from religion to religion and I'm just like "". In the past year he's been Jewish, Christian, Atheist, and I believe that he is currently deist. Now, don't get me wrong at all here. I go from deist to atheist on a monthly basis. But I don't shove every single thought that comes through my mind regarding it down people's throats. Literally, every time he changes his religion, it is all he talks about.
Well, he posts this thing today that was more or less jumbled up letters, and on my merry way to ignoring it, I see about a million 15 year old girls freaking out on it.
Turns out, as I checked a little bit ago, he OD'd on something. But! Don't worry, it was "no big deal."-his words, not mine.
I'm just taking a moment to point out that a lot of people have died from overdoses and there is almost never a moment when someone goes "Oh, you're abusing prescription medication? You're fucking the coolest motherfucker ever man!"
And don't get me wrong here either- I've smoked weed before and done a couple other things. I've never been stupid enough to OD, and if I had, I wouldn't be acting like a badass for it.

So if you're abusing prescription drugs, just quit. It's dumb. It makes sensible people think that you are dumb. Feel free to dispute me, I'd enjoy an argument.
August 8th, 2012 at 08:37am