I never used to see the point in blogs and now I cant stop writing them help

my girlfriend thinks I have BPD or Biploar Disorder and she wants me to talk to my Guidance Teacher about it when I go back to school...Yay? Idk. I dont really know what I'd be saying. Like, I've been researching them and I have some symptoms of both...but like...idk. I don't really want them to be like 'Yeah, you have ____' if I end up going to the Doctor's about it. I dont know, I guess I'm scared in case Julia's right. I have a family history of mental illness...Both my Gran's died in mental hospitals and my Mum's cousin is schizophrenic. My mum would treat me weird if I was diagnosed. I dunno.

But yeah Idk shh lets not talk about that

lets talk about how sexy Ian Watkins is.

Because seriously omg why is he not in my bed.



dat man.


Why is there suddenly an ian watkins hate blog on tumblr?

It's pissing me off.

Someone join me in the murder of the person who runs that blog?


-goes back to writing fanfic-
August 8th, 2012 at 09:08pm