I don't even know what this is

This is mindless rambling about my mind numbingly boring life right now. You have been warned.
So I told someone I'd be posting the first chapter of Take Off Your Makeup and Put Down The Camera tomorrow. Up until this morning, I had literally no plan, no nothing. All I had was the summary page and a vague idea. Then I got down to business. After getting no sleep for the second night in a row, I sat down this morning and planned it by hand (drinking Tea at the same time, obviously). I still haven't got any chapters written up yet, but I'll do that as soon as I stop procrastinating and watching old Mock The Week clips on youtube.
As I was writing, I ripped off a corner of the page for reasons unknown to me. On it, I wrote the name of the story. Then my stupid brain thought "hey, this might look nice as some sort of a banner." From what started as taking a simple snapshot of a scrap of paper turned into me converting my bedroom into a makeshift photography studio. I needed a backdrop, so I hung a towel on a hanger and then on the back of my door. There was too much light coming through my window so I hung another towel in front of that.
And that is how I spent my morning.
I was searching through my old pictures on my laptop and then I found this:
Let's all just bask in that for a minute.
And now I have nothing to say.
August 9th, 2012 at 03:06pm