Day 6: Pet peeves.

Oh my gosh I've been waiting for this day. I have soooo many pet peeves. I would never be able to list them all in one sitting but I'll list the first few that come to mind.

- When people don't close their mouth when they cough or sneeze.
It's just nasty ok. That's a good way to spread your nasty ass germs that no one wants. And it's rude. Don't get your snoogies on me, I don't appreciate it. I also don't appreciate when you don't even turn your head. Coughing/sneezing in my general direction even when your mouth is covered is still gross.

- When people say "I seen it."
You SAW it or you HAVE SEEN it. Jeeeez. It's not that hard, at least it shouldn't be.

- When people drink directly out of a carton.
My dad. UGH.

- When people take umpteen napkins/paper towels, use a couple, and throw away the other unused ones simply because they were touched.
I'm an environmentally friendly asshole and if you even dare throw away a clean napkin, I'll cut you.

- When people don't recycle.

- When people eat loudly/scrape their teeth on their forks as they eat/gulp with every sip.
No one wants to hear that food being chomped on; close your goddamn mouth. And no one likes the sound of teeth-on-metal, and I'm sure that's not good for your teeth either so stop doing it. It gives me shivers. And it's nasty when you're sitting near someone and all you hear as their drinking is GULP GULP GULP GULP. Damn, take it slow! You're going to drown yourself.

- Falling hand in hand with that last one: When people have poor table manners.
Don't put your elbows on the table. Don't sit up and reach across the table to get something. Don't just get up and walk away; excuse yourself.

- Incessant noise.

- When my dog or cat thinks it okay to lick my feet.

- When people cough with their mouth closed.
You're not going to get anything accomplished by keeping your mouth closed!!!! I just don't get it! It sounds more disgusting than an open mouthed normal cough, it PROLONGS the cough because you end up having to open your mouth in the end, and YOU SHAKE. Your body jerks more than usual when you cough with your mouth closed (at least with my parents) and it's fucking annoying as fuck.

- When people have excessive ear and/or facial piercings.
I think it's just gross. A few is okay but when you're covered in them and your face becomes symmetrical.. Ew.

- Slow texters.

- When people take my headphones out of my ears because they walk to talk to me.
Fuck off please.

- When girls get jealous over small things.

- When people shorten as many words as humanly possible.

- When people don't clean up after their dogs.
Your pet is unable to clean up its own shit and you're the owner. PICK IT UP. Especially if it's in front of my fucking house.

- When people overuse the word "awkward."
Nothing is more annoying than when people say something was awkward when it wasn't. And nothing is even MORE annoying than people who claim to be sooo very awkward because that in itself is awkward and just.. ANNOYING. I hate when people are unnecessarily awkward. If you are awkward, don't point it out.

- When people are talking on the phone loudly in public.
Shut up.

Oh gosh, so, so many more but I can't think of anymore. Surprised? Me too.
August 9th, 2012 at 04:31pm