Thoughts of a Socially Awkward Teenager

It seems I always start these the same way so this time I refuse to say what I always start off with.

There's something about these white boxes and the blinking cursor telling you to just write something already that is very intimidating. I know I can not possibly be the only person who thinks that. I often wonder why do I even bother writing these things because surely all of you who are reading this right now don't care what I have to say. I bet some of you got bored and haven't even read this far down, you only clicked on this maybe my accident or you thought the title was interesting. So that poses a question, why do I keep writing? There is really one answer I can come up with and that is I do it to prove my existence to the world.

So anyway I was compelled to write today because I have found myself in quite a mood lately. School, just the mere word makes me shudder, is starting soon and I blame my mood on that. As the title suggest I'm socially awkward my people skills are only like a level 3. Hell I'm even awkward online how is that even possible? The gist of the story is though that school isn't the greatest place for me. Like I don't mind doing the school work and learning and all of that, I'm fine with that part, It's just being in that building with those people that makes me want to jump of a building. I know it sounds a bit dramatic. I'm sure those of you who are out of school think this is silly, even I think it's silly.

But the fact of the matter is school gives me really bad anxiety. It might be a bit better if I lived in a different town where every one wasn't so ignorant, trashy, and just over all stupid. I swear to god most of all the guys in my school either want to be a firefighter or go in to the army because one reason one they're stupid hicks or reason two they are to stupid and don't know what else to do with their lives. Then most of all the girls in my school just want to be nurses because that's what their moms do and it's what the school pushes them to do so that they actually do something with their lives at all. My school is pathetic our class motto is " Get at me" no joke we are the "Class of Swag" too. This stupid town drives me crazy and the thought going back to school and interacting with the people of this town is making it even worse.

I should probably stop talking now sorry this kind of turned into a rant it wasn't what I intended but what ever. Leave a comment if you want that would be cool. I'm going to go now bye.
August 9th, 2012 at 08:51pm