My favorite holiday, no doubt about it.

Even though it symbolized for the dead to have one last time to basically get even with their enemies before the passed over to the new world. Because of this, this is where we get our idea for dressing up and wearing masks all that good stuff.

Christians would disguise themself so they'd go undected by the roaming souls!

But, on to the ranting part of the blog. I have just recently, (as in the 7th) became a proud member of Spirit Halloween store. Little did I know, how much blood, sweat, and tears would come to this new job.

It opens at an old BlockBusters store, and ha ha ha. Me, and two other coworkers around my age are in for a big treat. No pun intended [;. We have to set up the stores by ourselves.

Granted a job is working, I get it. TRUST me. We had to unload about three shipment pods in the last fourty eight hours. Letme tell you, I'm a weakling. Not gunna lie. My arms are sore as anything and I have bruises and cuts all up and down my arms and hands.

My back is a little stressed out from all the heavy lifting. But, I so can not wait till we set up everything. I'm so ready for it to be done and out of the way so I can do my job as the cashier and on the floor.

I'm going to love when we open soon and everything is out of the way. I work again tomorrow and I'm dreading it, but hey I'm getting money and I'm getting a free mandatory work out. :)

I'll be strong in no time, I got this!
August 9th, 2012 at 10:27pm