Memo Was Not Received. | Movie Marathron? | Recommend Me Stories

What is this? Not talk to me day. Seriously, for the pass 3-4 hours I've only gotten like 5 text messages. The people I normally text hasn't texted me at all. Did I miss a memo today? Is it not talk to me day? My boyfriend even hasn't texted me in like I think two hours.

Its no biggy though. I mean, I was trying to go over my boyfriend's house but since he isn't answering I'll just spend the rest of my evening watching Harry Potter probably. I finally bought the second one on dvd. So now all I need is part 1 and 2 of deathly hallows. Or I could just write chapter 2 of my Hiddlesworth story. Or blog a little and then watch Harry Potter. I don't know I'll eventually choose what to do.

Ah crap not enough words. Oh does anyone remember the movie Anastasia? That was one of my favorite movies when I was little. I watched so many times but then I couldn't because everything decided to go to DVD and all the VCRs we owned broke on us. Guess what though. I find it today on dvd at Walmart for 5 dollars. I could not not buy it so I did. I think I'm going to watch it before Harry Potter.

1. How was your day?
2. What's your favorite movie?
3.Suggest me a slash story?
August 10th, 2012 at 02:04am