101 Confessions From a Girl

So here are some random facts about me, a random stranger whom you may never ever meet in person. Or for my friends, some facts that you probably already know about me :P

1. I don't go on Mibba anymore at all. And haven't posted anything new in 2 years, so I don't expect anyone to see this. Ever. :p

2. I only created a Mibba account because my best friend(s) did.

3. I'm currently watching the 2012 London Olympics and the US women just won the Gold medal in Soccer.

4. Watching the Olympics secretly makes me feel like I haven't done anything with my life :p

5. My roommate and I are good friends, but I don't know how well we'll get along rooming together this year.

6. This summer, I found out that I'm slightly obsessed with painting people's nails.

7. I've already done my own 7 times in 4 months..

8. And various friends' and relative's nails 8 or 9 times..

9. I'm also recently obsessed with sunrises, sunsets, and skylines.

10. I absolutely love roller coasters. What makes them even more fun is screaming through the entire thing, weather I'm scared of the ride or not.

11. I played flute for 8 years and now miss it.

12. I also used to play golf, and miss that too.

13. I am a dog person.

14. I used to be shy, and still am to an extent, but I'm working on becoming more outgoing. My job helps with that.

15. I still have feelings for my most recent ex-boyfriend, but I would never admit that to him. I'm also trying my best to lose those feelings.

16. My first ex-boyfriend is going to the same college as me this year.. And I'm not sure how I feel about it: nervous, annoyed, or anxious..

17. I don't always feel like I deserve all of the good things in my life.

18. My parents say that I am on my phone and computer too much.

19. Hey! That's how old i am! #easilydistracted

20. I'm new to Twitter, but like it almost better than Facebook :)

21. I met my first best friend in Kindergarten, but haven't talked to her since 1st grade.

22. I've read over 2,000 pages worth of books this summer and I'm not ashamed to admit that.

23. I can't wait to get away from my hometown.

24. As much as I'll miss my family when I leave again, with today's technology, they're really only a text/call away. And to me, that's almost too close.

25. I've always wanted to visit Australia.

26. Or Europe. I just want to travel.

27. I might be studying abroad next summer!

28. I was supposed to study abroad in Paris, France this summer, and I cried when my trip was cancelled.

29. I don't feel as close to my high school friends after one year of college.

30. Some of my college friends have dropped off the face of the earth this summer :p No contact at all.

31. Some of my high school friends have done exactly the same thing.

32. When I go back to school, I know I will miss driving my car, so I've been driving everywhere I can.

33. When I'm home alone, I blast music and dance around like an idiot.

34. I also blast music and dance when I'm alone in my car :p

35. I don't care if people in other cars see me.

36. I only recently have started wearing my hair in a ponytail.

37. My hair is longer now than it has been since 6th or 7th grade.

38. I'm surprised that I'm growing it out in the first place, and even more surprised that I actually like it longer.

39. I will eventually get annoyed with long hair and cut it all off again.

40. I'm hoping that I don't get annoyed with it too soon so that I can maybe consider donating it :)

41. I've always wanted to try colored contacts.

42. I've never dyed my hair

43. I know I should be eating healthier, but junk food is just too good!

44. I will not, however, eat any fast food other than Subway. And maybe the occasional order of french fries...

45. My favorite food is probably popcorn. I can eat a whole bag of microwave popcorn in one sitting..

46. I can't stand kettle corn though.

47. I'm very movie deprived. Name 20 movies. I've probably only seen half of them.

48. I love the show Once Upon A Time on ABC

49. As much as I would like to say I don't, I watch Falling Skies on TNT. (Show about aliens taking over the world...)

50. I'm always over-prepared for things I do with my friends. And my friends know that.

51. In college, whenever anyone needed anything, they would come to me. Chances were, I had it. 4 words: Tool Kit & Duct Tape.

52. My great aunt passed away less than 3 weeks ago and I only told one of my friends...

53. I also missed her funeral mass because I had to work and I feel guilty for not going..

54. I don't like buying books because I know I'll only read it once or twice and be done with it. I'd rather get books from the library.

55. I'm really good at keeping secrets.

56. I pride myself on my ability to not judge people.

57. One day, I will find a guy thats perfect for me.

58. In middle school, there was a time where I felt like I had no real friends that I could share the anything with.

59. My mom believes I can get back with my ex in a year or two when he's more mature. I think it's a possibility, but sort of a stretch at the moment..

60. I've never admitted that to anyone, and now I'm putting it on the internet. :p

61. I love my job. And my boss.

62. Sometimes old guys at my work hit on/ flirt with me and it makes me uncomfortable.

63. I laugh it off and pretend like it didn't happen..

64. A lot of people have called me skinny, but I don't believe them. However, I am happy with my weight and am not trying to change it.

65. It bothers me when I worry about someone and they call me 'Mother.'

66. I still miss my old dog on occasion.

67. When I came home from college, I was sad when my dogs didn't recognize me.

68. I don't like romantic movies. They make me gag.

69. I have a dirty mind.

70. I've only ever dated younger guys because age has always been something I can never get over. When an older guy talks to me, I get all tongue-tied and nervous. Im working on it.

71. I cannot stand when people make comments about how I like 'younger men' when they realize that both of my exes are younger.. (I WAS LESS THAN A YEAR OLDER, PEOPLE)

72. I've done some things that my parents probably wouldn't approve of... and I don't regret those things.

73. I love getting dressed up. As soon as I put on a dress, I am instantly happier.

74. I secretly wish I joined the swim team in high school.

75. My cousins drive me insane when I spend too much time with them. I love them anyway

76. I was on my middle school track team and threw discus. I do not miss it. At all.

77. Even though its backwards, I go to bed earlier in the summer than I do when I'm at college. I also get up earlier in the summer :p Its my job's fault.

78. I like it that way because summer has a lot more sunrises that I would miss if I slept in :)

79. Change is usually welcome in my life. I'm not afraid of it.

80. This is the first August of my entire life (besides maybe 1st grade) where I am actually happy to be going back to school.

81. If I could, I would take a day off once every week and just read all day.

82. Until recently, I didn't swear.

83. Sometimes, I wish people would do something to offend me so that I have a reason to be mad at them.

84. I have harry potter posters up in my room...

85. I played piano for a long time until my teacher went to college. After that, I got a new teacher who was weird and mean. So I quit. I wish I hadn't.

86. I'm not sure if I want kids when I'm older.

87. I love my little brother and would do almost anything for him.

88. I love my sister too, but she sometimes has an attitude

89. Sometimes I wish I had someone close that I could talk with about whatever I want, whenever I want. I'd be there for them too, I just want someone to be able to always be there for me.

90. I think too much.

91. I smile all the time because I don't have a reason to be sad. (or I'm trying not to be sad)

92. My room at home is always messy because no one except me sees it. My room at school is always clean because everyone sees it. Funny how that works.

93. I hate spiders. A lot. Actually, anything that has more than 4 legs pretty much freaks me out.

94. I once squashed an ant with a tissue and than ran the tissue under water to drown it in case it survived being squashed.

95. I once had a 5 year crush on a guy that my friends had labeled "weird" and so didn't tell them that I liked him even when they begged.

96. That guy turned into a major drinker/possible druggie/Greek Jock in college, so I'm kind of glad nothing ever happened with him.

97. I like meeting new people, but I'm terrible with names.

98. I used to be very religious. I'm not sure what happened.

99. My uncle/godfather has brain cancer. I think about him every day.

100. I very often skip meals. But not usually on purpose. I'm just not hungry.

101. I love living my life and have pretty decent self-confidence, but that wasn't always the case.
August 10th, 2012 at 04:04am