I just got called countless names by a six year old.


This is why I hate children. Oh my gosh. This kid is so misbehaved! Ever since I started babysitting him, I knew he'd be more and more trouble with the older he got. What six year old knows "motherfucker"? What six year old knows "bitch" is "female dog" and also INAPPROPRIATE yet INSISTS on calling me it?

I'm running on little to no sleep and my patience is wearing thin. I cannot wait until my parents get home and get to deal with him. He called me a "shithead," an "asshole," a "RETARD," and best of all, a "fag."


Okay now I know their parents are most likely not guilty of teaching Max these words. But I know for a fact he's said some of these things to them because Brian, his father, always tells us what a colorful mouth he has. Well, how about you do something about that rather than just laughing it off?

The thing is, Max doesn't have many friends so I can't blame one of them for teaching him all this. I think it was Brian and his wife saying things in front of him, or while he was still in earshot, without thinking about it or didn't notice until it was already said. But this kid has never been told no in his life. He gives me a WTF look when I say that. I wonder if he even knows what it means! If it weren't for school, I'm sure he'd be clueless.

He's in his temporary room for right now, which used to be the first guest room. Now it's Hell. It's a complete mess in there. I'm sitting outside the door making sure he doesn't come out. My father is getting off of work in twelve minutes and those minutes can't come fast enough.

And to add to all of this, there's a flood warning and tornado watch and the rain is pelting the shit out of my AC! It's so loud!

I can't wait for my father to come home. The second he gets home, Max is all his. I'm not doing SHIT for him.

I'm going to keep a list of all the things he has said to me or done to me and give it to his parents when they come back. Only the serious things, like calling me a fag and fat and such. The most annoying part is how patient I am with him. I'm very good with kids. He starts throwing a hissy fit, I don't yell back at him! I'm stern with him, but I don't ever shout at him. I'll raise my voice if I need to, but not enough to YELL. And I don't dare touch him. I've babysat kids all my life, and never had a problem with any of them.


I was making him lunch earlier. He wanted spaghetti. I was making enough for two because I wanted some as well, and he said, "I'm not fat like you, I don't eat that much spaghetti." He COULDN'T even see how much was in there, first of all, and this was the third time he called me fat.

I'm honestly surprised he's still in his room right now. He's playing on his DS, which is the only thing keeping him entertained and keeping me SANE. I've threatened to take it away from him, but let's face it. That will be the end of me.

I need my father to come home, I need a drink, and I need to stop being insulted by six year olds.
August 10th, 2012 at 10:55pm