What's Coming Up

Now that I've finished The Terror Twins, I've figured out a list of what I need to do next.
I'm currently working on a (sort of, in a very odd way) back-to-school original fiction since it's that time of the year again. It should be finished soon.
Then I'm going to work on a sequel to The Terror Twins. After that, I have to do something with my two newest creations, Aleistar van Zyles and Spyder. I also have a story planned for two of my older creations, Steven Bowers and Jake (whose last name is escaping me at the moment). Then I have no idea what's going to come after that. We'll see what happens with my muse and school interference.
These are my current plans, which are definitely subject to change without notice because it's my last year in school and I have no idea how it's going to be as of right now. Hopefully there isn't too drastic of a change in the plans. If I do end up cutting anything, it's probably going to be the one with Steven and Jake or the one with Alis and Spyder. I don't really know right now. Like I said, we'll see what happens when we get there.
August 11th, 2012 at 12:40am