Editorial position! Calling any and all amigos.

I know, I know. I've dropped off the face of Mibba in the past several months. Lo siento, but I haven't felt as inspired to write for this website as much as I have for other sites (like LiveJournal and Tumblr). I'm trying to slowly bring myself back here, but in the meantime, I could use your guys' assistance :3

I’m gonna try applying as a copy editor for the IQA website (International Quidditch Association. And yes, that’s a thing.) I’m really excited to apply at all, even if it might not be a paying job and it’s probably just volunteering. I think it’ll still be a ton of fun and hey, I’ll be in the know for all big IQA events and news and whatnot.

The thing is, they ask for “three pieces of peer-edited work (a copy of the original and the copy of your edits) required with submission.”

So if anybody has a fic or an article or something they’d be willing to let me edit, I’d be forever grateful. Just shoot me a message and I’ll send you my email address privately and all that good stuff.

Also let me know if you want me to send you back what I’ve edited :3 We can both benefit from this exchange that way, haha.

- Nothing ridiculously long though. Like if we’re talking about a fic, probably a drabble would be best. Maybe 2K words? They don’t really specify how long the edited pieces need to be but I doubt the IQA staff wants to read a 20K story.
- No poetry, please. I don’t think that’s what they’re looking for.
- If it’s a newspaper article you wrote for your school paper or whatever, I don’t think the topic matters so you can pretty much send me whatever you like.

Submissions are due August 17, so if you guys could send stuff before that, I'd be forever grateful. Thank you guys so much!

UPDATE: No longer in need of any stories to edit; three wonderful people have sent me their stories and so I'm at the submission limit :D
August 11th, 2012 at 03:50am