Disney #10 & 11 | Does this sound like a good idea?

Day #10: Your favorite song

My favorite Disney song is actually my favorite song of all time. It truly describes how I feel about my life. It speaks to me, makes me cry every time I sing it. It's really about saying you're willing to do anything, ready to do what you think is needed to find those in this world who accept you. If you haven't guessed it by now, my favorite song is: I Can Go the Distance from Hercules.

Day #11: Your favorite love song

My favorite Disney love song, like most other things in this challenge, ends in a tie. It is a tie between I Won't Say I'm in Love from Hercules or Kiss The Girl from The Little Mermaid.

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I just have the coolest idea bouncing around in my brain, and it's loosely based off of a scene from True Blood. The scene in Season Five where Sookie admits to her brother that it was she who killed Debbie (which the killing was much cooler in the books, just saying, 'cause Tara didn't die. She wasn't even there.) Anyway, that scene spawned this idea:

A brother, older than his sister (He's about 23, she's 15-17). One night after a few months of her being all moody and isolated from her friends and family, she comes to him one night and admits everything to him- how she'd been turned into a vampire -something she can't cope with- and all the murder's she'd committed in the last few months. The story would be about her brother trying to help her set things right and get the murders away from his sister and make sure they don't look like a vampire killed them, and he's going to help her find the one that made her into a vampire.

Along the way there'll be brotehr-sister bonding, love interests, struggles, and things.

Sound like a good idea?
August 11th, 2012 at 03:55am