How Could I Forget?

I would like to start off by saying I would like to slap myself. Why? A new story that I just started writing about a week n half ago, I forgot the plot already. It never came to mind that I should at least write it down somewhere. Now I'm sitting here trying to remember what the plot was or at least try to think of a new one. I'm such and idiot, jeez. Well while I think of the plot perhaps this is the time when I make a new banner for it. Hopefully this one will look a lot better.

Don't you hate it when you're working on a story or something like roleplay online and people start to read what you write a loud. My boyfriend does it all the time and for some reason when people are like in view of the computer screen I suddenly lose train of thought. Like I know what to write before they're there but when I feel as if they can see what I'm writing I lose my thought.

1. Have you ever forgotten a story plot for a story you were writing?

2. Don't you hate when people read over your shoulder.?
August 11th, 2012 at 08:59pm