
School: Ten reasons to hate it, followed by fifteen to enjoy it. Just trying to improve my mood here, about starting school this week.

Hate It...

1. Homework! Lots and lots of homework.
2. Waking up early. Not good at that.
3. I'm in three college-prep classes. SO MUCH HOMEWORK.
4. At the moment, it's hot as hell, and of course, the place with the best A/C on campus, the annex, is off limits. WHY.
5. Block scheduling. I have all my classes that give A TON of homework on the same day. Geometry (my math teacher likes homework.), AP World History, English 2 Accelerated (which are with the same teacher.)
6. Four of my classes, the A/C works too well. It get's like winter in there.
7. My aid period is last period on even days, and the A/C is broken. It get's HOT. Thank God for the other room, that attaches to the computer lab. A/C works fine in there.
8. Back to eating school food. GROSS.
9. No iPods. D: only during break and lunch, and before school.
10. Dress codes that don't allow a strapless dress. I WANNA WEAR IT, IT'S SO DAMN CUTE.

Love It...

1. Time to hang out with friends. Yay!
2. Art class is going to be hella fun this year. iPods are allowed for Art 2, 3, and 4, just not Art 1. HAHAHA.
3. Volleyball! Wooo!
4. I'm aiding for my favorite teacher, in computer class. :D it makes me happy, because it's basically a free period, just chilling.
5. I made a couple new friends! :D It's amazing!
6. No P.E. this year, but that means I'm not in any of one of my other favorite teacher's classes. Oh, well, at least no running a mile every other fucking day.
7. I no longer have to sit at home and do nothing all day. Yay!
8. The cafeteria sells ice cream, which is nice, because it's good on a hot day.
9. Dances! :D
10. All school retreat yesterday was badass. My team even tied for first, 'cause we're awesome. And, I have a new nickname: Simbah. Why? Because, my hair got all wet, and when it dried it was a poufy mass. A.K.A. (according to Henry, at least) lion's mane. Thus, the Simbah nickname. It was even awesome despite the fact that I look like a strawberry with a face.
12. Super stoked for upcoming dances. Hopefully we have a welcome back dance this year.
13. I can go into town and buy Arizona and Rockstars and Monsters more often. Fuck yes.
14. Homecoming parade in October. That's always pretty awesome. :3
15. There's a scheduled time to LEAVE.
August 12th, 2012 at 04:12am