My Second Day on Mibba, My First Introduction

My second day on Mibba and I haven't done much except read a few things and learn my way around. I am excited that there is a blogging place here. I didn't know that until a few minutes ago. I figure it as good a place as any for an introduction.

I spend a lot of my day reading, playing video games, and finding inspiration in both for writing. I am going to participate with my boyfriend in this year's NaNoWriMo. I hope we can do it! My boyfriend doesn't put much thought into writing as I do but he does have brilliant and creative ideas that I think would make a couple of interesting stories.

He and I have a goal to travel across Canada when we have the money. I really hope that money comes soon because I feel I will have a lot to write about after a trip across my country. It would be wonderful to plan it out to happen in a summer because as of this summer I discovered I love to swim. It's something I never knew before. The last time I went swimming before this summer started was 3 years ago and between then and now I didn't know what I was missing. When we travel, I told him we should try to swim in every place we can if it's not contaminated or illegal.

I have a blog on blogger or blogspot or whatever it's called and this is a little something I wrote today.

About Swimming...

I am weightless, like my soul has risen out of my body and brain and we left it behind so it's only my soul and I, floating in the waves, feeling the hot sun. I don't have to worry about anything while I'm in here, just mind enough to keep myself from drowning. My everyday anxieties and fears drift away and dilute until it's simple meaninglessness. They drift into the background like hollers from children in the distance, calling their mothers, but I don't worry because as the sun sets further below I know it will only be me left.
I wish I could be a fish

Everyone wants to leave before I do and I pretend I want to leave too. My reluctance grows as I reach shallower waters, still trying to stay in the warm embrace of my liquid haven; flat on my stomach now, like a snake growing legs and arms turning into a human being again. The cold of the real world puts its icy fingers on my shoulders in the guise of the wind and soon I am dragged completely back into this world, this dreadful place, shivering cold.
I wish I could be a fish...
August 12th, 2012 at 12:58pm