Sixteenth Entry: To My Readers

August 13, 2012

Hello everyone!

It's been a long while since I've updated. Quite reasonably so, however.

Within the past few months, I have graduated high school, prepared for college, had my laptop broken, and many, many other things. I wanted to let you guys know something that I've decided to do recently.

I went venturing around my account on Quizilla, and I stumbled across my Severus Snape story. I began to miss it, so I decided to write some more of that story. Recently I've also found my love for the character. I even might go as far as to publish my story on here.

So if you see a new story on here, it'll be the Severus Snape story "Swallowed in Silent Darkness", which takes place in my character's first year. It might take a while to come up with a banner for the story, though, seeing as though I don't have Photoshop or anything fancy like that.

August 13th, 2012 at 08:27am